Flea Season: How To Properly Care For Your Pet

Flea season can be a challenging time for pet owners, but with the right knowledge and preperation, you cab keep your beloved cats and dogs comfortable and free from these pesky parasites. This comprehensive guide provides advice for safeguarding your pets during flea season. From understanding the lifecycle of fleas, to implementing preventative measures, we cover everything you need to ensure the well-being and comfort of your furry friend.

Treats Your Pets Monthly

Dogs: It is crucial to treat your dog every month for fleas. Consistent monthly treatment ensures that your dog is continuously protected from fleas and prevents infestations from taking hold. Flea treatments come in various forms, including topical solutions, oral medications, and flea collars. Choose the one that best suits your dog’s needs and lifestyle.

Cats: Cats, especially those that spend time outdoors, should also be treated for fleas every month. Outdoor cats are most likely to come into contact with fleas, making regular treatment essential. Monthly flea control will help keep your cat healthy and prevent the spread of fleas within your home.

Use Species Specific Treatment

One important rule to remember is to never use dog flea treatment on cats and vice versa. Flea treatments are specifically formulated for each species, and using the wrong products can be harmful. Always ensure you ate using the correct treatment for your pet to avoid any adverse reactions.

Check Your Pet’s Weight

Before administering or purchasing over the counter flea treatment, it is vital to check your pet’s weight. Flea treatment are dosed based on the weight of your pet, so accurate dosing is crucial for effectiveness and safety. Administering the wrong dose can either be ineffective or harmful to your pet. Use a pet scale or visit your vet to get an accurate weight measurement before treatment.

Clean Your Home and Furniture

In addition to treating your pets, it is essential to clean your house and furniture to eliminate remaining fleas and their larvae. Fleas can typically live one to two weeks on furniture and carpets. Products like Johnson’s Household Flea Spray are effective in kill fleas and larvae. These sprays can be used on furniture, pet bedding and carpets to ensure your home remains flea-free.

Instructions for Using Flea Spray

  • Shake well

  • Remove pets and children before spraying.

  • Spray pet bedding, carpets, rugs , upholstery, cracks, crevices etc., in areas which animals frequent.

  • Apply a fine mist in a sweeping motion from about 30cm (12”).

  • Spray for 8 seconds per square meter of surface, then leave the room for 30 minutes .

  • Allow treated areas to dry, then air thoroughly before permitting pets, children, etc., back into the room

Flea treatments available in all Pet Pavilion stores


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